
Helping Hands Ministry

A servant-based HELPS ministry to provide quality home and automotive repair.  Work priority is to the elderly, widowed, single parents, and those who are strained financially. 

If you need help or wish to help, then let us know
Click HERE to send an Email or Call the Church Office at 323-2187. 
           (Our ability to help is TOTALLY dependent on availability of helpers.)



Description of Helping Hands Ministry

“And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.”  1 Corinthians 12:28 

I:  Purpose
His Handymen
is a servant-based helps ministry of Indian Springs Baptist Church, Inc. (ISBC) committed to quality home and automotive repair workmanship available to the local Body of Christ at ISBC.  This ministry, while not a business in the strictest sense, is about the business of the Kingdom of God in assisting those of the household of faith and reaching out to others who have needs.  Since this ministry is being done “as unto the Lord” (Colossians 3:23), we will strive for quality in the results and being pleasing to our “customers.”      

II.     Eligibility
Those to whom we minister will be viewed and referred to as “customers.”   While we do not wish to limit this ministry, the reality of finite resources will result in a prioritization of help to the elderly, widowed, single parents, and those who are strained financially.  His Handymen will seek help from the Benevolence Committee in setting priorities when there is an imbalance of volunteer workers and customer needs.   Since ours is a volunteer ministry, patience and pre-planning will be needed from those to whom we minister.       

III.     Volunteers  
Experience and Skill Qualifications:
     We will make an effort to match the job to be done with volunteers with appropriate skills.  We maintain a database of volunteer workers, their availability and experience areas in order to match the job need with the volunteer.   
     Within any group of volunteers there will be a considerable range of experience and skill levels.  His Handymen Leadership will attempt to assign teams of volunteers so that willing volunteers with limited experience can work with those with more experience and skill so that the best quality workmanship can be accomplished by this ministry.  We will rely on volunteer input, customer feedback and leadership observation to determine experience and skill levels for making assignments.   

Personal Characteristics Qualifications:
a.       A servant’s heart
b.      No interest in personal glory
c.       Dedication to the job and its completion
d.      Willingness to take ownership in tasks
e.       Knowledgeable and awareness of building codes and safe practices
f.        Trustworthy

Availability Expectations
     Because emergencies do arise, we recognize the need for having some volunteers “on call” on a rotational assignment basis.  Our hope and intent for this ministry is that most of the work will be carried out with planning and a reasonable amount of lead time so that emergencies are not the normal mode of operation.   
     Volunteers understand that the job or job portion that he or she commits to do must be completed regardless of whether or not the work time required falls outside of his or her “on call” time.     

IV.     Initiation
Work will be initiated by a call to the church office or by an email request to helpinghands@isbc.org.  A single contact point will be ensured.  A task will be matched to a volunteer based on experience, working radius, and time availability.  If a match cannot be found, the customer will be notified accordingly.  The customer has the option of planning a new desired time of completion. 

 V.    Closure 
When the customer and volunteer have decided the job is complete, a customer feedback form will be obtained of the person who has been helped.  The ministry leadership will be responsible for attempting to ensure safety and customer satisfaction within time and budget.  Additional volunteers may be dispatched for a given task.    

VI.    Funding 
The costs of all materials will be funded through the Benevolence Committee.  It is hoped that increased awareness of this ministry will help to bring in additional funding to support the increased financial load.  Time, meals, mileage, and other travel-related costs will not be considered for reimbursement.   

VII.      Leadership
While His Handymen is an extension of the Benevolence Ministry of our church, direction for this ministry will be provided by the Handyman Leadership Team.  This Team will consist of a Chairman (proposed by the Committee on Committees and elected by the church) and two assistants selected by the Chairman.  One assistant will be selected based on his or her knowledge and experience in automotive repair and the other assistant selected based on building maintenance and repair skills.  The Minister of Administration will be an ex officio member of the Handyman Leadership Team.  The Chairman of this Team will be an ex officio member of the Benevolence Committee.   
     The Chairman will be responsible for maintaining the database, obtaining customer feedback and ensuring a reliable volunteer workforce.  The Church Receptionist will have access to the volunteer database and will attempt to match the need with a volunteer.  If no match is immediately found, then the need will be referred to one of the two Leadership Team Assistants or to the Minister of Administration.   
     It will be the responsibility of the volunteer performing the work to keep track of the costs of materials and submit these to the Chairman for approval so that reimbursements can be made for materials purchased.  For jobs that go beyond routine repairs and maintenance, pre-approval should be obtained prior to purchasing materials.   

VIII.    Liability
ISBC will not be held liable by the volunteer or the property owner(s) in any way for the work performed through this ministry.  Before any work can begin, volunteers will be required to sign a form  that states he/she/they hold ISBC harmless from claims arising from the work performed.   
     Also before any work can begin, the property owner(s) will be required to sign two forms.  The first form involves the agreement between the volunteers and property owner(s) as to the work expectations.  The second form states that the owner(s) hold ISBC and the volunteer(s) harmless from claims arising from the work performed.  It also guarantees the volunteer(s) a safe working environment.   (Copies of the forms will be provided as needed by Helping Hands Ministries)