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Posted April 29, 2024
We must experience the Kingdom of God while walking in the way God has invited us to live out our lives in the mundane, in the trivialities and in the monotonous details of daily living if we want to soar to great heights of ecstacy during the moments when we deliberately enter into a situation of focused worship. The Kingdom of God is “where” (the realm in which) we are to live out our lives throughout the week and not just a “place” (situation or realm) we visit on the Lord’s Day. We can extend this admonishment to a broader or more universal comparison as we realize that if we are merely waiting to experience the presence of God and the glories of His kingdom only “when we all get to Heaven,” then we are missing the blessings that God wants us to experience in this life as we are being transformed into the image of His Son. As our spiritual vision is enhanced so that we more clearly see Christ revealed, then that revealed image is burned into our conscious minds and even into our subconsciousness when we “see Him as He is.” God then uses that “recognition” to mold us (using everything that He allows us to experience in life) and transform us to be like His Son so that we emit or transmit that icon to others as we interact with people and the world around us in the mundane, the trivial and the monotonous intricacies of daily living.
Posted June 29, 2023

There is about a foot (twelve inches) between our brains and our hearts. But there may be a lot more difference in what is happening in our minds and in our innermost beings.

We’ve heard of and perhaps have met some who are “legends in their own mind.” It is possible that some of us are “Christians in our own mind” but are “pagans in our words and actions.” The thoughts and intents of the heart should be unified as one – “if thine eye be single, then there is light in our total being.” Many times we think good and pleasant thoughts and superficially embrace every virtue, but our words and actions emerge from the depths of our being and reveal who we really are. Many of us embrace the virtues listed in "fruit of the Spirit" and so few of us practice the actions presented in the "Sermon on the Mount."

Posted May 1, 2023

Is God’s Plan of Salvation for all people?  Yes, indeed.  It is totally inclusive.  This is the good news and is the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abram that in “your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed.”[1] This Plan of Salvation is also the restoring of the scattering that happened in Babel when God dispersed the people as they tried to implement their version of “inclusiveness” in an effort to “ascend into the heavens” by their own efforts and wits.[2] 

All of us can appreciate that Jesus was God Incarnate and was (is) the Messenger of the Covenant [3] (the New Covenant[4]) that would be the start of the “inclusiveness” (that is, all the world) and the end of the “exclusiveness” (just Israel) that was characteristic of the way the Old Covenant was interpreted.  This Old Covenant was initiated by God after the nations were given the desires of their heart which was to follow and serve other gods rather than the One True God.  The objective of the “end of the Old Covenant and the implementation of the New Covenant” was to make a way available to restore humanity to the relationship with their Creator that was intended by God from the very beginning.[5] 

Participation in the benefits and privileges of this New Covenant begins with what John the Baptist admonished the remnant of Israel to do in preparation for the coming Kingdom of God.[6]  That first step is “repent” which is “turning away from the ways of the world and embracing the precepts of living which align with the character and nature of God who is the Creator of all things physical and spiritual.”[7]  The outcome of this is concisely summed up in the statement “Behold, I am making all things new[8], so that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old state of things has passed away; a new state of things has come into existence.[9]”   While the invitation Jesus extended (come unto Me[10]) includes all who will choose to come (regardless of their status or condition in the world[11]), the ways of the world are excluded and must be abandoned and left behind as these are incompatible with life in the Kingdom associated with the New Covenant.[12] 

As Niels Bohr noted, “There are trivial truths and there are great truths. The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false. The opposite of a great truth is also true.”  This concept has been restated as follows: “The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. A great truth is a truth whose opposite is also a great truth.”  As applied to this present question, the Great Truth is that God’s Plan of Salvation is totally inclusive since “all who will” may come.[13] The other Great Truth is that everything contrary to the character and nature of the One who is the Way into this salvation is excluded and cannot dwell in the presence of holiness that is characteristic of God.[14] The proper interpretation of whether God’s Plan of Salvation is “inclusive” or “exclusive” is that it is BOTH.  This duality is clearly evident in the words of Jesus to the woman accused of adultery: “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.” 

______  Reference Footnotes
 1  Genesis 22:8 /  2  Genesis 11:8 /  3  Malachi 3:1 /  4  Luke 22:20 /  5  Genesis 1:26-28 /  6  Matthew 3:2 /  7  Genesis 1:1. John 1:3 /  8  Revelation 21:5 /  9  2 Corinthians 5:17 / 10  Matthew 11:28 / 11  Matthew 22:9-10 / 12  Matthew 22:11-13, 1 Corinthians 6:9, Galatians 5:21 / 13  John 3:16. 7:37, Rev 22:7 / 14  1 Peter 1:16

Posted December 27, 2022

How many people make sacrifices to provide Christmas present for their family and for others? Sometimes we tend to think that the greater the sacrifice the greater the love that we show. This thinking may even extend (to a lesser extent) to the other two major cultural celebrations of Easter and Halloween and what we spend (sacrifice) to properly celebrate. During these celebration we set up symbols of whatever it is that we are observing and often our sacrifices are placed under or around these symbols. These sacrificial gifts are then passed on and shared with people who may have brought similar gifts because these celebration were important to them also and they identified with the symbols used in the celebration events.

The often unasked and unanswered question is “does this same reasoning apply to our support of the Kingdom of God and sharing the gospel message with those who are perishing?”

Posted December 26, 2022
Is There a Lesson to Be Learned?

Nations Fail for Various Reasons
– The tribal kingdoms that occupied the land of Canaan failed when their “cup of iniquity” become full and they were overrun by hordes of people who crossed the eastern river border and took over the land. It took 400 years for their iniquity to reach the point that judgment prevailed and their land was taken over in a relatively short time by others who were only one generation removed from slavery.
– In 2020 the influx of people from other areas of the world who crossed the southern river border of our nation markedly increased and continues to increase and (it seems) they will occupy the land. The year 2020 is 400 years after “the pilgrims” landed at Plymouth Rock because they sought a better life of religious freedom.
– Those pilgrims have been described as being “puritan” in their beliefs and conduct as the generally accepted way to live. Since that time there has been a “gradual” declination of acceptance of that way of living and we (over the past several decades) as a nation are “rapidly” moving to a tolerance level of an “anything goes” mind set that rivals and perhaps exceeds the iniquity of the ancient people of Canaan.
– Perhaps there is a parallel in that history tends to repeat. If “the way the tribes of Canaan lived” brought failure, then it is likely that our present-day tribalism will also fail as we follow in the same paths of abandoning truth and embracing destructive false premises and precepts.

Posted February 1, 2022


Hypothesis:  One will behave in a manner that is in agreement with what he believes.  Another way to state this idea is that one will never act in a manner that is not in harmony with what he believes.  Let’s look at the example of telling a “white lie” in order to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.  Supposedly, we would be attempting to “balance” two beliefs we might have:  The first is that we should always tell the truth.  The second is that we should always be kind to people. 

If we are confronted with a choice of being absolutely truthful versus being unkind, then a “white lie” becomes a position of compromise that a person might choose because

  • the consequences of being “unkind” are more immediate AND
  • the person who will “enjoy” the “kindness shown” is thought to be less forgiving than God Whom we ultimately offend with the lie. 

This exposes another belief that many people hold and that is this:  “since God is loving and patient and since we have a promise of His forgiveness, then we can knowingly sin without having to consider the consequences as long as we remember to ask for forgiveness.”  

Now we have complicated the hypothesis about what we “truly believe” and what we DO with conflicts that may exist among the “many things, ideas, and principles” that make up our belief system.  We have also complicated the situation by having a possibility of having a belief that is not based on truth but still may be something in which we “truly believe” even though the basis is not correct.
There are other complicating factors:  I, as a Christian, may truly believe in any number of absolute truths and yet fail in the performance or outworking of those truths in my life simply because I have been conditioned to do certain things or respond in certain ways by my pre-Christian “experience, environment, or belief system.”  This is why we are admonished by Paul in Romans 12 to be transformed by renewing our minds, etc.  This is also why Paul had to admonish the Christians in various churches to walk according to what they had been taught and why he thought it necessary to point out to the church at Philippi that they had not learned Christ in a certain way. 

Since our minds are able to process a large number of inputs of stimuli (things that happen to us or new data) in the framework of allowable alternatives along with likely consequences of violating the “allowables” and the desired outcome of our response to the stimuli, then our actions will be the result of this mental evaluation and it will reflect “what we believe.” 

The framework of allowable alternatives could be termed “what we believe.” The decision of what is a desirable outcome could also fit under the heading of what we believe.  The intent of choosing only the best allowable alternative and producing a proper desirable outcome can still fail since we may not have knowledge of all the allowable alternatives.  If we go back to the example of telling a white lie to avoid being unkind, we may not know that an alternative to telling the untruth would be to choose a tactful alternative that is truth or to ask a question that allows the person with whom we are interacting to answer the questions that may have been posed to us (this is something Jesus did quite well). 

The hypothesis as proposed will be found to be true as we consider the total expression of a person’s life.  Their lifestyle will be an “integrated” expression of the various beliefs they hold.  We must be careful to view the whole and not think that a specific incident is a true picture of what someone believes. 
The fruit we bear in our lives will give evidence of the species and genus of tree we are.  An apple tree will bear apples and not pears.  An apple tree may have a year in which there is no fruit.  That may or may not be an indication of anything other than external conditions. 

Posted January 25, 2022

"Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the head, that is, Christ” (Ephesians 4:15).

When we read this verse in light of the present day culture, some may think about how the truth is “received by the hearer” rather than how the truth was “delivered by the speaker.” Since this admonishment (some will say commandment) is directed to speakers, then we could logically conclude that the attitude, purpose, and motivation of the speaker is the focus of Paul’s concern. The speaker has responsibility and (assuming that he or she is a mature Christian) has the ability to exercise reasonable control regarding his/her attitude, purpose and motivation when the truth is spoken. It is also logical to realize that the speaker (when motivated by love) cannot control and does not have responsibility for how the truth is received by the hearer. (Although, on the face of it, the preceding is true, cultivating a good relationship of “speaker to hearer” can – but not always – ameliorate negative reactions when truth is shared.)

The present-day-culture “complication” is that some “truths” have been deemed by some as “hate speech.” When the mind set of a person has been influenced by such thinking, then there is practically no way to pass along truth to that person (the hearer) so that the truth will be received as an expression of love by the speaker. Does this situation then tell us (as concerned Christians) to not say anything, to not express concern, and to not point out likely consequences? Sometimes in the interest of not violating the Eleventh Commandment of “Thou shalt be nice,” many will say nothing and then justify their silence by saying, “Well, I am certainly praying for the person.” Wonderful! We should certainly be praying for the conviction of the Holy Spirit in all aspects of such interactions but we must not forget the words of John in Revelation 22:17 “The Spirit and the Bride say come.

Posted January 22, 2022
*** The transition of human culture from a patriarchy to a matriarchy is pictured in the account of the introduction of sin into the innocence that existed in the Garden of Eden. Eve was enticed to partake of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and then she enticed Adam to do the same thing. In his misunderstanding of his role to provide leadership (patriarchy) in their relationship, he resorted to appeasement as a way to be pleasing to Eve by going along with her urging or was it just a suggestion. It is not uncommon for people to “go along to get along” and we think this is an appropriate expression of love. Adam’s ideal expression of love for Eve would have been to provide correction to her since she had been disobedient to the word of God. When Adam, instead, followed the leading of Eve, he gave or ceded leadership to her and thus began a culture of matriarchy.
*** During the past ten decades, we can trace the rise of feminism from subtle influence to overt and even aggressive influence on our cultural practices. This influence has resulted in wives and mother seeking fulfillment in their lives in the realms of factories, businesses, the military, and politics – to name a few areas. This phenomena is thought by many to be very positive and that all benefit as a result of this change. One area that can easily be negatively impacted is in the rearing and development of the next generation with regard to teaching of values that are essential for respect and cooperation within the various relationship that people encounter throughout their lives. (This negative impact is not a certainty and simply having the mother in the home during the formative years of their children does not always produce positive results.)
*** It is probably a safe assumption to believe that the rise of feminism has been a major overt influence in the growth and embrace of abortion as a method of birth control in our current culture.
Posted October 20, 2021

Quote from Jeremiah: Do you not see what they are doing in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? The children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other gods to arouse my anger. – Jeremiah 7:17-18

The following notice was posted around Jerusalem – in the markets, at the gates and even in the Temple courtyard.
– This is going to be a really fun time of sharing delicious “Queen Cakes” and getting to know your neighbors. Some of those who will come to the Celebration are not regular worshipers and most do not know the importance of regular sacrificial offerings – they might be described as PPT Feast (Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles) Jews. This is your chance to encourage them to be more like the regular worshipers who religiously attend Temple activities at every opportunity.
– It is important that you remember to bake your cakes BEFORE the Sabbath since we must “remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.” (We certainly don’t want to set a bad example that would violate any of the Commandments.)
– If you have baked a lot of cakes and need to bring them in an appropriately decorated cart, space will be made available near the north gate parking area that leads to the Temple. You can conveniently share your “Cakes from Your Carts” with others.
– Making cakes available in this manner has an important safety consideration in that children and their parents will not need to go door-to-door in unfamiliar surroundings to get an ample collection of cakes during this time.
– Be sure to encourage your family to dress up in the latest “Queen of Heaven” costumes as this will make those from the surrounding community (who are not regular worshipers) feel more comfortable because they WILL be in various costumes for this important celebration.

Posted January 6, 2021


Most of us firmly believe the wonderful accounts of what God did thousands of years ago that are recorded in the Bible. (Past Tense)
Many of us firmly believe that God is going to do great things in the not-so-distant future and that we will enjoy the benefits of an earthly millennial kingdom where Christ reigns as Lord and we will be forever with the Lord when we all get to heaven. (Future Tense)
What about right now? Do we believe that God is at work now and in control as He was in the past and as He will be in the future? (Present Tense)

If we not careful, the “present” tense faith may get neglected especially when we fail to remember that we are commissioned and “sent” by God. If we leave “sent” out of the “present,” then all we have left is “pre.”

Posted November 17, 2020

The Sovereignty of God and Our Free-Will Responsibility

Sometimes we may think that God is sovereign and we know that His purposes will be accomplished, therefore, it doesn’t really matter what I do, the choices I make, the way I vote, etc. An example might be as follows: “Daniel, who lived under several different kings didn’t seem to worry much about who the king was at any specific time.” Does context matter? Consider the context of Daniel’s situation versus our situation: Daniel was in exile and in captivity – we in the Church are NOT in exile and we are NOT in captivity.

Daniel did not have a choice regarding who would be the leaders of those who held him captive. We (under the New Covenant) have been set free – we have become the dwelling place of the Most High and we are empowered. All of this is within the framework of God’s overall sovereign will and plan. We have been entrusted with valuable assets and we are to occupy until the Master returns (Luke 19:13). Those who think that “what they do” and the “choices they make” are not important are like the servant who buried his assets (Luke 19:20) and did not exercise and put into practice the principles and precepts and the fundamental foundational choices that would be representative of what the Master would do.

Consider another example: Shortly after leaving Egypt behind, Moses went upon the mountain to met with God. God was leading them from Egyptian captivity to the Promised Land which was God’s sovereign plan that was going to be accomplished. Did it really matter what the people did in Moses’ absence since God is sovereign? Did the people have any responsibility to obey the laws and commandments that Moses had recently read in their hearing and which they had agreed to obey? We are familiar with what happened when the people demanded that Aaron fashion golden calves for them to bow down and worship which was direct, deliberate disobedience to the very first commandment. The people suffered the consequences of their choices (Exodus 32:28) and what they elected to do even though this did not change the overall outcome of God’s sovereign purpose of providing salvation for all people through the “seed” of Abraham (Genesis 22:18).

Going back to Daniel’s situation: There were choices his ancestors made in electing to do things that were contrary to God’s precepts and laws that resulted in Daniel being in captive exile in Babylon. So, was the earlier assertion that “we are not captive and we are not in exile but free” True of False? If we ARE (in fact) captive and exiled from “the land,” then we can resign ourselves to the “king” we are under and not be concerned with regard to whether or not we had any responsibility to make proper choices in the immediate past.

We could even extend this possibility by considering how DID it happen that we went from being “free and empowered in Christ” to finding ourselves in “captivity to worldly powers?” Could it be that over the past century our nation has moved away from Godliness to worldliness and the situation in which we find ourselves is meant to get our attention so that we (as a nation) will repent of ungodliness and return to God Who promised to bless the nation whose God is the Lord?

Posted July 17, 2020

What I learned as a child from eating fish.

I grew up Louisiana and we frequently had fried fresh water fish. Sometimes the fish I had on my plate was a fillet from a rather large catfish and it had no bones. At other times the fish was a smaller game fish that had all kinds of bones and I was constantly warned to watch out for the bones, but I was NEVER told DON'T EAT THE FISH.

I have been going to church for more than 75 years and I have heard many preachers present messages from the Bible and sometimes they have a "questionable" interpretation that is shared with the congregation. All of us have also heard speakers who have ventured outside of their field of expertise and used examples from science or technology and make statements that are completely ridiculous to those with training in those areas. I have thought on such occasions that I would be reluctant to invite one of my scientifically trained friends to come hear "the preacher" because he might misapply a technology fact and ruin his credibility.

I tend to view such questionable interpretations and misapplication of real-world examples as bones in the fish -- I simply recognize it for what it is and eat around or spit out the bones -- but I don't reject the entire message.

As our grandchildren came along, their mothers were very cautious and would never take a chance in giving them fish with bones and so they have grown up in a "sheltered" environment and are not comfortable with even trying to eat a fried perch or sunfish.

Some well-meaning people today exercise the same cautions and would attempt to shelter "the rest of us" from looking at anything but the "approved" script (a boneless fillet) lest we encounter a provably false statement and we won't have the discernment to recognize and distinguish it from the meat of the matter. All kinds of labels (such as conspiracy theories) are applied to such information that may have a false statement to prevent anyone from sharing the truth that may be in the information. If our focus is only on the bones, then we will not get any benefit from the fish. If our focus is only on the "misinterpretation" of a scripture passage or the misapplication of an example, then we may never hear the "good news of the gospel." If our focus is only on the "provably false claim" then we will never know the rest of the story.
Posted July 8, 2020
Three Levels of Cognizance – Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual

Emotions can be stirred and produce short-term reactions where we can get excited and do things such as applauding a great artistic performance, cheering for an athletic team, or even participating in the actions of a mob. There may be some physical impacts associated with such emotional “events” such as adrenalin increases which might affect heart rate, blood pressure, and rapid breathing.

Intellectual responses are associated with a shift into a “logic mode” in which we factor in prior information and considerations of such questions as
“why are we doing this?” or
“what will be the likely outcome of our actions?” or
“what am I supposed to do in such situations?”
This level of cognition will set decisive action responses and can even be influential in the habits we acquire. Emerging from the “thinking” mode are such things as cultural norms, etiquette practices, healthy living and healthy eating choices, career paths, considerations of whether certain actions help or hinder reaching objectives, etc.

Spiritual cognizance is much more difficult to understand but it is the foundation or background upon which are lives are built. It forms the corner stone as well as the capstone for our lives. Some people maintain that this is simply our thoughts; however, the writer of the letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament makes a clear distinction between the “thoughts and intents of the heart.” We see this in a metaphor related to the “word of God” (logos) as being a sharp two-edged sword that can divide the thoughts from the intents of the heart and to distinguish the soulish from the spiritual (Heb. 4:12). It is likely that these two outcomes are just two ways of saying the same thing which is typical of Hebrew parallelism used in their writings. This would mean (or at least imply) that “thoughts are activities in the realm of the soul (mind) and “intents” are associated with the spiritual part of our being.

The difference in a person who is “saved” and one who is “lost” is the spirit of the person. The “new birth” to which Jesus referred in His conversation with Nicodemus is a spiritual birth in which the “dead” spirit of “fallen humanity” associated with Adam’s race is replaced with a quickened spirit which has as its life source the “uncreated life of God” which can never die.

The spirit of man prior to the new birth is flawed (essentially dead) and therefore, the “intentions” coming from this “dead” spirit tend toward death and away from life which comes from God. After the new birth, the born-from-above spirit in man has its life source from God and is capable of Godly intentions. It is by the “spirit” that we commune with God. At the same time, the quickened spirit of the believer is exposed to other “intentions” that come from temptations associated with the evil one. A familiar example is the wilderness experience of Jesus following His baptism and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon Him as He began his active public ministry. Such temptations which encouraged Him to make a fundamental change to the intents of His heart were recognized by Jesus for what they were and were soundly rejected. As a result of rejecting the tempting alternatives, His life was one of alignment of the “thoughts” and “intents” of His heart.

It is possible (maybe even likely) that we, when exposed to temptations, will embrace a temptation and (at the same time) realize that such an idea is not in keeping with Godly character. That “erroneous intent” can be suppressed but may not always be totally and absolutely rejected. When that happens, then our daily living (with our interactions with ourselves, with God, with other people and even the world around us) will be influenced by this suppressed and often latent intent. For example, as we take actions, we (in our “thoughts”) may rationalize what we are doing so that we think that the good deeds we have done for another person were because of unselfish love and generous compassion when the real intent was (or could be) to “engender favorable influence” so that we might exercise control over that person. This is clearly a misalignment of the “thoughts and intents of the heart.” The influence of the “intent” can be so subtle that we don’t even realize what is actually happening.

Sticking with the same example of taking action which can be beneficial to others, those with the questionable “intent” would likely carry out the good deeds in such a way that others would be aware that he or she was the one who was helping. If the questionable “intent” were not present and not having influence, then the good deeds would be carried out so that no one knew the source – let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

The erroneous intents that we allow to intrude into our spirits are like hidden contaminants in the “gold” of our spiritual lives. We know that God is at work in us to refine our gold and to conform us to the image of Christ. In his first epistle, Peter compared the testing (assaying) of our faith to refining gold in which the dross or slag that is not the pure gold can be seen and removed. The assaying process can be in the form of troubles, suffering and persecution which help to strip away much of the facade (the rationalized thinking) that all of us erect around ourselves to hide the real person.

When we are in the midst of being refined, we must be careful to interpret what is happening in light of the God’s word which is said to be the sword of the Spirit. The word of God is to be used as a sharp two-edged sword that can divide the thoughts from the intents of the heart and to separate the soulish from the spiritual (Heb. 4:12) In this context the “sword” is primarily intended to be used on ourselves to bring to light the motive behind our actions. The soul and the spirit of man are distinct and separate in the sight of God. If we confuse the two, then we will likely wind up nourishing the soul and neglecting the spirit.

Why should we care about such distinctions? In our humanity we tend to “care” what people say or think about us and what we do. We can define our role and communicate it to others; however, the assessment of how well we carry out that role is left up to God. His is the only opinion that really matters. Even we cannot adequately judge our own performance. We may think that we are doing very well but that does not mean we are. Others tend to judge us on the basis of outward appearance and we tend to judge ourselves on the basis of what we think others are thinking about us. On the other hand, God judges on the basis of the intent of the heart. If we want to be able to judge ourselves before the “appointed time,” then we must be able to distinguish between the “thought and intents of the heart.” The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword and is able to separate these.

Posted June 29, 2020

Why would a nation choose to honor the dregs of society and disrespect those who have made meaningful sacrifices for their nation?

If you are struggling to understand why some are honored and others are disrespected,
You apparently didn't get the memo on the "rules" --


Rule 1. If you are in a "protected group" you can do no wrong.
Rule 2. If you are in a "privileged group" everything you do is wrong.
Rule 3. Recognizing the unfairness of Rules 1 & 2 is hate thought or speech.
Rule 4. Mere suspicion of "hate speech" gets one branded with the unpopular label of the day.
Rule 5. Others rules will not be revealed until those in the "privileged group" does or says
something those in the "protected group" randomly decides to be offensive to them.
Rule 6. A memo on the rules will NOT be issued since this insanity would be confirmed.
Rule 7. Regardless of the facts and before anything is actually done, the "protected group" wins and the "privileged group" loses.

Posted June 28, 2020

We can learn from the interactions Jesus had with His disciples and discover

Draw near to Him
Follow Him wherever He goes – step by step
Listen to His constant teaching that He shares from whatever is encountered along the way.
Commit what He says to memory.
Pay careful attention to those things about which Jesus prayed.
Request further clarification regarding things we have difficulty understanding.
Notice the priorities in Jesus’ life and adjust our priorities to match His.
Realize that everything Jesus says and does gives us insight into the character and nature of God.
Recognize the “Father” relationship we have with God that takes us beyond “religion.”
Know that (as our Father) God loves us and cares about everything that happens in our lives.
Take advantage of His availability to interact with us all the time, even continuously.
As we avail ourselves of His intimacy, we realize and take into account that He is also Holy.
Know what is important to our Father and honor Him by aligning our behavior accordingly.
Remind ourselves of the need for nearness to Him and remember that He resides in our hearts.
Always be aware that when we sense an estrangement from God it is not He Who has moved.
Recognize that God is always at work within us and uses all we experience to conform us to the image of Christ Jesus Who is the express image of God Who is Holy.
Rejoice in knowing that the more we are conformed to Christ the closer we are to our Father.

(Source: Notes from audio Sermon by Patrick Magee, Main Street Baptist Church, Bogalusa, La., on “Understanding the Holiness of God – Part 1”)

Posted June 15, 2020

What does that phrase even mean?
In the most basic sense, it could simply means that a person has intrinsic value.
The source of that value is argued by some to be inextricably tied to the belief that human beings are made in the image of the Creator of all things.

For those who identify with atheism, the ability to associate value with a person is difficult for some to describe but seems to be related to the Golden Rule of “treat others as you would like to be treated.” Apparently, the idea is that a person values himself and, therefore, would “value” others in the anticipation of a reciprocal response which would be beneficial to himself. (Observation: this is basically selfishly motivated because “a return” is expected from doing the right thing of valuing others.)

Going beyond “belief” as the foundation substance for valuing a person, the practical application or implementation of valuing may come down to the simple idea of “respecting” a person. Generally, we associate respect with speaking well of someone, encouraging them, taking action to help the person or to improve their reputation among others. The opposite of valuing is to “devalue” or to disrespect others. One of the most effective ways to accomplish this is through ridicule or to hold up the person in a negative light before others. Unfortunately, ridicule is somewhat socially acceptable and the thinking is “no one gets hurt” (except the person who is being laughed at).

Ridiculing another person or a group is fairly common and many times the practice is done in “jest” such as the banter that goes on between universities which compete with one another in various sports. Since such “ridicule” is not personally directed and practiced by both sides, it is recognized as a joke and taken as such.

However, when ridicule is initiated by a person in a position of leadership and is directed at an individual in the organization, then the reason behind such ridicule likely has deeper roots than just “kidding around.” The outcome of disrespecting comments is that the person who is the subject of the ridicule is not built up but, in fact, has his or her reputation damaged among others who recognize the “disrespect” coming from leadership.

Thus far, we have avoided the obvious question that needs to be asked and this is “why would one person show disrespect for another person by using ridicule?” The answer is likely connected to the “why” of most improper actions taken against another person. The foundational problem from which most harmful behaviors come is what has been called the stealth sin – or envy. It is often ignored and rarely even recognized as sin. Envy can be (and often is) the root cause of many of the other sins. Was envy not the reason Cain killed Abel? If you or I have a possession and someone envies that object, then envy becomes a platform for stealing. If a woman envies another woman’s husband is that not the launching pad for adultery? If someone is envious of another’s good reputation then we have the stage set for lying. We typically associate envy with greed which drives us to accumulate more than we need. You do not have to teach greed to kids. You watch kids with their toys. Sharing is an unnatural response, it has to be taught.

You may have noticed that those in leadership are very careful to not ridicule people who are seldom involved and do not take initiative within the organization and therefore are unlikely to have influence on others. The people who are ridiculed are those who may be knowledgeable about how things operate and are looked to by others when influence for change is needed. Such people have influence simply because they have demonstrated capability in the past and show confidence and conviction in what they say. These are seen as threats to those in “positions” of leadership and in efforts to eliminate the influence, ridicule is often used to diminish the respect the person has in the organization.

Does the Bible even address such practices? Ridicule was addressed by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount and He included it with His comments on murder. Calling a person an idiot or a fool is perhaps the worst kind of ridicule and most us would not do that – or maybe a more correct statement is that most of us know we should not do that and probably would not do it (at least in public). While we would not openly or overtly and deliberately disrespect someone, the potential is always present if the heart harbors such disrespect. Spontaneous comments made in unguarded moments reveal the truth of what is really in our hearts. The damage is just as real and hurtful to the person who is the subject of those comments – it doesn’t really matter if the comments were premeditated or not.

Posted November 9, 2019

Yesterday is past and tomorrow will never come, or so it is said.

Many long for the beauty and order of the past and see the “ultimate tomorrow” as infinite possibilities, radiant light and perfection beyond our imagination. We study the past (supposedly) to learn from it and then we project toward the future and look forward to it.

Consequently, we view the present moments as dull and maybe even ugly, full of trials and problems and sorrows. This could be what Paul meant when he wrote that “the days are evil.” We Christians can sometimes have this view even when we are blessed with life that will never end and communion with the Creator of the Universe.

So, what is the significance of a single moment? The present instances of time are viewed as insignificant in that some think it does not really matter what we do right now in this very moment and we may have feelings of boredom and insignificance which all together produce inactivity or we find ourselves simply repeating the meaningless routines of everyday ordinariness.

It may never occur to us (until it is too late) that all of life is made up of the aggregate of millions of “present instances of time.” However, “zero meaningful results” as a consequence of the aforementioned inactivity multiplied a million times is still “nothing accomplished and nothing gained.”

It would be a mistake to read these previous words and conclude that “we should not just stand there but do something.” Whatever we do should be according to good and beneficial objectives which align with the purpose of life as a whole. Without an understanding of and fully embracing this purpose, we could find ourselves in the morass of meaningless moments that mourn the passing of “what was” and wistfully wishing for the morrow rather than making the most of today.

The often quoted statement from the Westminster Shorter Catechism tell us that “man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him for ever.” It probably will sound like heresy to say that this statement could be improved in that while it focuses on God in the first part, it turns its attention to mankind in the end. It has a good beginning but a questionable ending. The Word of God (Revelation 4:11) clearly states that the main objective and purpose of all of creation is to show the glory, honor and power of the Lord and that the enjoyment or pleasure belongs to Him. A revised statement (that would parallel Rev 4:11) could be that “man’s major purpose is to glorify God, and to be pleasing to Him for ever.” We would certainly anticipate and be confident that a consequence of fulfilling the purpose for which were created is that we would, indeed, find our joy in the Lord.

Much has been said, many books have been written, and many ideas advanced as to “how to accomplish” this grand purpose. Most of us are familiar with the saying that “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” The idea in this proverb has been around for centuries and gained popularity in the nineteenth century. It means “that we imitate someone else because we admire that person or value what that person is doing.” Because words take on different meanings with the passage of time, “flattery” may now have a connotation of “less than sincere praise.” Also, people have been known to imitate another person in a mocking fashion. Therefore, a statement that avoids these potential misunderstandings would be to say “genuine imitation is the sincerest form of true praise.” We could also logically connect praise with the idea of glorifying the object of our praise.

If we really want to ‘make the most” of opportunities (the present moments of time), if we really believe that the highest purpose in life is to glorify God and be pleasing to Him, if we really accept the premise that imitation is the sincerest means of glorifying God, and if we realize that Jesus Christ is the express image of God, then we can grasp the truth that “every moment and every incident of life is given to us for the main purpose of transforming us into the image of Christ.”

Many of us could truthfully say that we already knew all this and we appreciate that this is the overall grand scheme of what is (to be) happening in our salvation experience. What may be an “aha moment” is that this process happens in the “dull, routine, sorrowful, and difficult” moments of life that we tend to dismiss as insignificant or irrelevant as we await a glorious mountain-top epiphany that will miraculously and instantaneously transform us in the twinkling of an eye.

While we are eagerly waiting in anticipation, the millions of such “insignificant moments” can pass us by without any recognition on our part of the opportunities inherent in the “all things” that God allows to come our way. If the opportunities are the passing moments in the times of our lives, then the statement that “opportunity knocks but once” is very true.

Posted November 9, 2019

I remember a cautionary story of a board of executives meeting to approve a spending plan for the company. Ten different projects related to the present business and future projections (each of which were costing millions of dollars) were all approved with minimal discussions in a period of less than fifteen minutes. The next project was to spend a thousand dollars to enhance the vending area in the employee break room. Approval was finally granted after nearly an hour of discussion and inclusion of several modifications by the board to the original plan.

If I remember the “moral” of the story, it was that we tend to be more interested in the things we can easily understand (vending areas versus production lines) and we get involved in things of lesser importance (spending a thousand dollars versus several millions) while letting the weightier issues slide by with little concern or personal input because we don’t bother to understand those more important issues.

We see this “story” repeated in the halls of government at all levels, in our schools, in businesses, our families and wherever we have participation in considering whatever direction we should take. What is done gives clear evidence regarding our priorities and interests as well as our understanding of what is really important.

Posted November 1, 2019
Paul wrote “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.” This clearly says that getting the Gospel message out to people is very important and that we should be creative in finding opportunities to present the message to people. One might question whether Paul’s statement is the equivalent of “The end justifies the means.”

In order to give exposure to a new ministry being introduced into an area, a promotional event might be held with games and free food to attract people and give an opportunity to share information about the ministry. Such events have been successfully used by some secular organizations to encourage people to join in as participants in marketing various products. Volunteer organizations might also use such things as a free or inexpensive pancake breakfast to make an appeal to the community in order to raise funds to support the good work the organizations are doing (for example, volunteer fire departments).

When such promotions are used, it is probably good to know something about those people whom the group is trying to attract. A pancake breakfast may work for some, free popcorn and Pepsi or Coke might work for others. If the target group is medium to high on the socio-economic scale, the attraction might be something like a social gathering with cheese and wine-tasting. That choice may not be an option for a group of Baptists to use but could work for some others.

When we get outside of the Bible-Belt, then the options can become more varied. For example, many in the upper mid west area of the country many might be attracted by free beer and pizza or maybe Polish sausage instead of pizza.

As we think about where “this” is going, we start to see that Paul’s statement that was quoted earlier certainly would have some boundaries or limitations of the extent to which we might go in order to “save some.” The various examples of “attractions” mentioned are all “acceptable” activities in our current secular culture. However, some of the things mentioned may produce “discomfort” for some and perhaps other alternatives would be sought in order to reach a particular group for the desired results.

Is it appropriate to engage in wrong behaviors (means) to achieve a good result (end)? Where might we draw the line in regard to associations, activities, types of food and drink when we are doing promotional events to help our church reach more people?

The dilemma disappears when we consider that Paul’s statement was intended to be restrictive or limiting rather than permissive or uninhibited. According to Wes McAdams –, Paul was Speaking Restrictively, Not Permissively. Paul was essentially saying that he would “limit his freedom” by any amount (rather than being willing to engage in inappropriate behavior) to be able to share the Gospel with others.
Posted October 5, 2019

QUOTE: "People generally see what they look for and hear what they listen for."

All of us are predisposed to think in certain ways. This predisposition is partially caused and greatly influenced by the imprinting of experiences and words to which we were exposed in our earliest stages of developmental learning. Other factors certainly include things we were taught from various “authority figures” we encountered as we have increased our conceptual and experiential body of knowledge and understanding throughout life. These things we have learned then make up what we consider to be “truth.” Typically, these “truths” we have as our belief system consist of actual facts and errors or deviations from actual facts.

It is a general human tendency to want to discover and embrace “truth.” Most of us also have a tendency to think “I am right in what I believe.” If we did not sincerely think a certain bit of information was true, then most of us would abandon that information and look for the “real” truth. A significant impediment to finding “real” truth is that we desperately want to believe we are and have been “right.” Consequently, we look and listen for additional information that validates our belief system and we tend to passively ignore or even overtly reject anything that challenges or does not align with that body of beliefs that we have previously learned.

The standard, generally-accepted remedy for this “human condition” of only embracing what reinforces our currently held belief is “education.” Education usually only entrenches our basic beliefs because we may deliberately choose a mentor, tutor, or teacher with the same general basic beliefs we already have. Another alternative is that the mentor or teacher will be successful in replacing some of the basic errors we had with the misconceptions that he or she has embraced as truth. Admittedly, there will be occasions where “real” truth will be found.

Going beyond education we might see admonishments to have “independent thinking,” and to challenge and question everything. This idea can be found in a quotation from Thomas Jefferson in a communication to Peter Carr written in 1787: “fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. question with boldness even the existence of a god.” This may be a good start to get us away from the effects of imprinting or naively believing everything those in positions of “authority” might tell us; however, this approach is still inadequate to finding “real” truth. Our human minds are finite and we don’t have “every fact” which could impact the truth. Additionally, our knowledge is basically twofold – that which we can conceptualize and that which we have experienced. Just as we don’t have every fact, we certainly have not experienced enough to ever say that our knowledge is complete.

We need to find a step beyond all these approaches mentioned so that we can actually know the “real” truth. Some have made a distinction between just “having information” which has been communicated to us and actually “knowing truth.” We may have an awareness of something (a fact) that we would describe in the following way: “I really don’t understand this (fact) but I know that I know it." Going back to Jefferson’s quotation regarding “a god,” many people can say, “I don’t understand the concepts of a divine entity, but I know that God exists and am convinced that He is good.” Some have argued that all that we really “know” is revealed to us by God – everything else is just information. Information can have a verity rating of completely in error to factual truth. The same revelation that God “IS” also confirms that what He reveals is Truth. To think that we can discover God and His truth through human intellect is as ridiculous as the thinking of the people who were going to build a tower so they could reach heaven.

Posted August 22, 2019
H. B. Charles wrote: Worship is better when we sing together as a congregation, rather than being sung to as an audience.
My Response:
We used to do this as a matter of course. Everyone (well almost) took a hymnal and turned to a particular page and sang familiar songs that had messages. We may have stood for a particular hymn and then we sat down and maybe sang the next time seated. We didn't expect to have to stand up for 30 minutes while 5 or 6 people with microphones sang to us words that we had not heard before and had no musical score to follow. Look around during the "congregational singing" time and the number of participants who actually sing the words is quite small. Maybe after we have said the same five words for the tenth time, it seems like vain repetition. Most "stand up" during the performance and that is the extent of the participation.
Posted February 18, 2019
God desires that His forgiving pardon that comes from His essence be abundantly poured out on sinful humanity. However, God (in His infinite wisdom) knows that such pardon will harm the sinner since forgiveness apart from contrite repentance simply causes the non-penitent perpetrator to be emboldened to sin all the more. God has done His part in making the pardon available but it is impossible for a truly unrepentant person to receive and possess it. To claim to have what we cannot possess is presumption.
Posted February 14, 2019
The Perils of Peer Pressure, Political Properness, Perverted Pride, and Punctilious Persuasions
People are prone to be persuaded by peer pressure and the passion of the period. A persuasive speaker can provoke a portion of poorly apprized people to pursue what seems to be the popular point of perspective. This paired with a perplexity of what might present itself if one were to proceed against the popular tide will promote pernicious predicaments paralleling what came to pass in Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, and the crucifixion of Jesus.

The same ideas are being used to make murder of unborn or recently born babies (called abortion) acceptable to many people. We also see it being used to force acceptance of so-called "alternative lifestyles" which the Bible defines as "abominations to God" by promoting these ideas in popular media. There is nothing that is too insignificant to be turned into a national crisis if doing so advances the agenda of those who want to impose their wills on the people.
Posted February 14, 2019
Public ridicule is a powerful weapon which a leader may sometimes use to quench participation of a group member. This is especially powerful when the ridicule is directed toward the “person” rather than the “concept” in question. The tragedy of ridiculing one person is not limited to the impact it has at the moment and just to that one person, but extends to observers who “learn” from the experience and choose to not be involved lest they too are ridiculed for trying to help.

If we really want individual members to be involved in the work of a group, then the significant leaders of that group must never use ridicule to publicly chide an individual for making a suggestion regarding what needs to be done to make the process in which he was involved to be aligned with accepted practices and to be legal.
Posted February 14, 2019

How do we see ourselves in relationship to the work we do in the church? For example, we may teach Sunday School, work in Awana, sing in the choir, work in the Nursery, mow the grass, greet people as they come to church, help out with repair work, and such things. What do we call ourselves and other who do such work? We likely consider ourselves to be Volunteers!

Sometimes we confuse the concept of being a “volunteer” with simply being “unpaid.” What about the Apostle Paul? He did not accept payment for what he did. Would you classify
him as a “volunteer” or was he “called” by God to do the work he did? Paul described himself as a slave of Jesus Christ. If he were a volunteer, then it would have been his decision to do the work he did and he could have gotten discouraged and quit whenever he wanted to.

The church is often referred to as the Army of God. We say we are “soldiers of the Cross.” Is the Army of God made up of volunteers who can quit and go home when it gets uncomfortable or is it made up of the “called” and the “committed?”

Posted February 18, 2015
In a recent study of Jacob, several bits of information with unintended messages came across based on the emphasis of the speaker and the audience’s reaction.  I had a lot of difficulty with these “messages” that were “not intended.”

The first unintended message was related to the “presumed” reaction that Jacob had upon awaking from his dream of the ladder reaching from heaven to earth.  Jacob had concluded that the “Lord is in this place.”  According to the speaker the “likely response” of Jacob was that when he realized that he was in the presence of God he was “all excited” and “would have taken a lap” as in running around.  This same speaker often chides his listeners that they should have the same energetic response in a worship service as fans in a stadium attending a football game -- jumping up and down and hollering.  [An appropriate response to being in the presence of God (as we repeatedly see in the Scriptures) would be to fall on one’s face in awe and humility.  Where do we ever see people in the presence of God who do not approach Him with reverence?]

The second unintended message was related to the description of Leah compared to Rachel.  Rachel was beautiful and had a "nice form" while Leah has “weak eyes.”  A lot of humorous comments were made relative to what “weak eyes” may have meant in terms of Leah being unattractive.  This was followed by the speaker making complimentary remarks about how beautiful his wife was and that he was thankful.  The commentary from the speaker regarding how disappointed Jacob was to wind up with the  unattractive Leah was “now that is funny and if you are not laughing then I know of a place where no one laughs” (meaning hell.)  Throughout all the witty comments about Leah’s physical appearance there was much laughter from many in the audience.  The message was clearly that physical beauty was highly valued and it is OK to ridicule others who lack such beauty.  [What does such a message say to those who do not possess physical attractiveness?  Is it any wonder that unattractive children and teens are ridiculed and bullied in our public schools when such worldly values are so prevalent throughout the culture?] 

The third unintended message was related to the incident where Jacob was wrestling with “the man” and Jacob would not let “him” go until “he” blessed him.  The clear message was that we should hold on to God until He blesses us.  (This same message had been emphasized in previous teachings about tithing, with the emphasis that we should tithe “out of obedience” and to be “blessed.”)  
Seeking the "blessing" was what caused Jacob to deceive his father and, some twenty years later, Jacob was still seeking to be blessed.  Apparently, being blessed does not provide lasting satisfaction but only a desire for more blessings.  Throughout the history of the children of Israel, they were guilty of “delighting themselves in the goodness (blessings) of God” but they did not “delight themselves in the Lord (Himself).”  This misplaced motivation resulted in serious consequences for Israel and Judah (destruction of Israel by Assyria and seventy years of exile for Judah).  The most important message for the church is that it is God who “holds on” to us and we should “hold on” (be faithful) to God and delight ourselves in Him regardless of the outcome.  If He blesses us or does not bless us, then it is all good because we are “in Him and He is in us.”  If our motivation for pleasing God is “consequence based” (avoiding punishment or receiving blessings) then how are we any different from the pagans who worship their “gods” out of fear and selfish ambition?  Such motivations are for the immature and the childish.  The motivation for those who are being transformed into the image of Christ must be rooted in the kind of love that God has poured into our hearts.  The fact that He first loved us is NOT the MOTIVATION for loving Him, it is what ENABLES us to love him.
Posted January 21, 2015
Understanding Motivation Apart From Consequences

When I was a child, I got the message that the consequences of sinning was to end up in hell when I died.  The motivation for “being good” was to avoid going to hell.  We could call that being “motivated by fear.”  Later on, I learned that being obedient to God results in blessings and not being obedient would result in bad outcomes.  Of course (being of sound mind), I wanted to maximize the good results and minimize the bad outcomes.  We could characterize that way of thinking as being “motivated by selfish ambition.”  I’ve heard many sermons that reinforced such consequence-based motivation with messages that emphasized the idea that we should not expect to be blessed by God if we are not obedient.  (I fully agree with that message.)  Other messages would sometimes focus on specific points of obedience such as “bring all the tithes into the storehouse” with the subsequent result of God opening the windows of heaven and “pouring out blessings” beyond our capacity to receive them all.  I did that and found it to be true. 

As we mature and repeatedly hear these consequence-based motivational exhortations, we should start questioning whether or not this is all there is to it.  After all, what would motivate a pagan to follow the precepts and tenets of his religion other than fear and selfish ambition?  Should our motivation be something beyond that? 

Several years ago, we (in our church) were conducting (during the Bible Study time) a purchased study course that was to encourage us to tithe and give generously.  One of the reasons emphasized was that we should be laying up for ourselves treasures in heaven rather than treasures on earth with the consequence that we would be rewarded in heaven by doing so.  I remember an elderly gentleman who commented on that particular emphasis.  He said, “all that is true, but that is not why I do what I do.”  He was essentially saying that he was not living by consequence-based motivations.  Along this same line of thinking, there is a song that has words that state “what you do for Jesus’ sake is not in vain.”  That is followed by the refrain, “We’ll be rewarded!”  While those words are true, I question whether that “consequence” is what should be the “motivation” for us to live for Christ. 

As I grew older, my parents would often mention the need for me to conduct myself in a proper way (when out in public) so that the reputation of our family would not be harmed.  A similar argument was made by Old Testament prophets and leaders with regard to improper conduct of Israel that would cause the Gentiles to disrespect God because of israel’s behavior.  In this case the motivation was respect for or reverential fear of God.  This is certainly a better or nobler appeal than selfish ambition or fear of judgment.  Nevertheless, with regard to separating “motivation” from “consequences” we are still not showing a clear distinction. 

To get a better perspective on this issue, consider the following questions:  Would I obey God’s commands if there were no consequences (either positive or negative) (in this life or in eternity) for doing so?  Would I obey God’s commands if there were no possibilities of anyone knowing that I was sinning and, therefore, no harm would come to God’s reputation from others and He would not be dishonored?  If we remove those “consequences,” then what remains for our “motivation” to be obedient?   

In John 8:31-32, Jesus said (paraphrasing) “continue in My word and you will know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”  Some have said that “freedom is life governed by truth and motivated by love.”  Do we see where this is leading?  The highest or noblest motivation that we can have is unselfish, self-sacrificing love.  This kind of love finds it source in the character and nature of God.  The statement that we “love God because He first loved us” is not so much about motivation for loving God, but is more related to “ability” to love in the way God loves us. 

Can we now go a step beyond questions of motivation and see that since we are being transformed into the very character and nature of Christ (Romans 8:29) then what we do is not so much a matter of what motivates us but is primarily dependent on our new, transformed nature which is Christ like?  Since Christ is the express image of God and since God is love, then the ultimate explanation of “why we do what we do” comes down to “who we are.”

Postscript:  It would be a mistake to take what was just stated and conclude that “since I am a Christian, then I choose to behave in a certain way in order to demonstrate that I love the Lord.”  Ask yourself this question:  Why does an apple tree bear apples?  Because of the very nature of the tree!  Why would a Christian behave in a Christ like manner?  Because it is Christ who lives in the Christian and His presence and character bears the fruit of righteousness in the life of the believer.  If we find ourselves having to repeatedly choose between alternatives of what “we might like or want to do” versus what “we know Christ would do,” then we are operating under the burden of the “knowledge of good and evil” rather than from our transformed nature of who we are in Christ. 
Posted January 19, 2015


  1. On June 17, 1963 the U.S. Supreme Court case Abington v. Schempp was decided in which an eight-to-one majority declared that school-sponsored Bible reading was unconstitutional.
  2. On January 22, 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade was decided in which a seven-to-two majority decided in favor of legalizing abortion. 
  3. On January 1, 2008 New Hampshire’s legalization of civil unions for same-sex couples became effective.  Later in this same year, California legalize same-sex marriage.  Other states have followed their example in subsequent years.
  4. In 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court with hear arguments regarding making same-sex marriages legal throughout the United States. 

In Proverbs 30:21 we see the paraphrased words “Under three things the people of the earth tremble and shake and under the fourth they nor the land can bear the burden.”   If this verse can be applied to significant events that have happened over the past fifty plus years that have impact on our nation’s relationship to God, then we should be very concerned about the pending SCOTUS hearing and decision regarding the issue of the definition of marriage. 

It started with inviting God OUT of our societal culture by declaring the Word of God to not be welcomed.  This initial step was followed by embracing the horrendous pagan practice of sacrificing innocent children to the pagan god of irresponsibility.  The next “thing” was to declare what God had said to be an “abomination” to be acceptable in various places and possibly ending with a wholesale legalization of a practice that is perverse and unnatural.  The outcome (if Proverbs 30:21 applies) will be that our nation will experience burdens that we cannot bear.  If we cannot bear the load of the burden, then the outcome is collapse. 

Appeals to stop the madness and reverse the poor decisions of the past are typically met with declaration that we, as a nation, cannot possibly go back to having the Word of God as part of our education system.  We cannot possibly deny a woman the “right” to have control over her “body” even though it is the body of an unborn child that is ultimately impacted.  We are inundated with arguments that same-sex unions and marriage are “rights” that people have and we cannot go back to the Biblical definition of marriage being between one man and one woman.  Once the Supreme Court hands down its decision, many will simply give up the battle to return to Godly standards in this arena. 

The term used for “return” or “go back” in the Bible is the word “repentance.”  Those in positions of civil government are telling us that there is no way that we, as a nation, could ever return or go back to what we had before.  The clear message from the Book of Hebrews is that those who disregard the blessings of God and rejects His ways even though they have been clearly demonstrated to be the right way to live will not find any other path or way to go back or return.  Why?  There is only One Way and He has been rejected and held up to ridicule by them.  They will be as Esau was who having shown no regard for his birthright, sold it for momentary pleasure and, consequently, found no place of repentance. 

Dare we ask what has been shaking since 1963?  A partial list would include
1963 John Kennedy was assassinated.
1965 Los Angeles riots, NYC great blackout.
1966 Black Panther Party established, Cultural Revolution in China
1967 Six Day War in the Middle East
1968 MLK assassinated, RFK assassinated
1969 PLO rises to power in Middle East
1970 Palestinian group highjacks five planes, Kent State shootings
1972 Terrorist Attacks at the Olympics, Watergate Scandal
1973 Roe v. Wade passed, US pulls out of Vietnam, Collapse of the Bretton Woods Fixed Exchange Rate System opened the way for devaluation of the U.S. dollar and economic instability through inflation. 
1974 Nixon resigns
1975 Cambodian genocide, Assassination attempts against G. Ford
1976 First Ebola outbreak in Africa, Earthquake in China kills 240,000
1978 Jonestown Massacre
1979 American Hostages in Iran, Three-Mile Island nuclear accident
1980 Failed attempt to rescue hostages in Iran, Mt. St. Helens erupts
1981 Assassinations attempt on Pope, Assassination attempt on Reagan, AIDS plague identified
1983 US embassy in Lebanon bombed
1985 Famine in Ethiopia, Terrorists hijack TWA 847
1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, US bombs Libya
1987 NYSE has huge drop in stock values – Black Monday
1988 Pan Am flight 103 shot down, US shoots down Iranian airline
1989 Berlin Wall falls
1991 Collapse of Soviet Union, Operation Desert Storm
1992 Bosnian Genocide, Los Angeles Riots
1993 World Trade Center Bombed
1994 Rwandan Genocide
1995 Million Man March in Washington, DC, Oklahoma City Bombing, Rabin Assassinated
1998 India and Pakistan test nuclear weapons, President Clinton Impeached
1999 Euro currency introduced, Y2K panic, Columbine High Shootings
2000 USS Cole Bombed
2001 9-11 attack by Terrorist on US, Stock Market has huge drop in value
2002 The deadliest act of terrorism in the history of Indonesia
2003 Invasion of Iraq
2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake – 250,000 dead
2005 Hurricane Katrina devastates New Orleans and surrounding areas
2006 North Korea conducts first nuclear bomb test
2007 Global economic turn down starts
2008 Stock Market collapse, Major winter Tornado outbreak in Southeast, Myanmar cyclone kills 130,000, China earthquake kills 69,000, Obama elected as President

I think we get the idea of the “shaking” that is happening and we haven’t even addressed the ISIS crisis or Russia invading the Ukraine, Syria developing nuclear weapon capability, near economic collapse of Greece, a deterioration of race relations in the US and an increase in terrorist attacks. 

Just remember:  “shaking” is not anywhere near as serious as the “collapse” that will following the shaking.  We’ve already seen three things that make the earth tremble – is the fourth that brings collapse nearby?   2015 could be a VERY significant year. 

Posted January 18, 2015
An interesting topic on Dateline NBC was about children who are bullied in school because they are not considered to be beautiful.  Some parents had resorted to having cosmetic surgery to give their teen-aged daughters a chance to be accepted.  It is certainly a “world system value” that would put more worth on a beautiful and curvaceous young lady than they would on a young lady who has plainer features.  While they of the world laugh at (or about) and ridicule those who might be characterized as Leah was in Genesis 29:17 as having “tender eyes,” we in the Church of the Lord Jesus should never, ever do so.  Some may think that such ridicule is funny, but it would certainly not be funny but terribly hurtful and cruel to the person being ridiculed.  We have not learned Christ that way – at least we should pray that we haven’t.   
Posted December 7, 2014  (Orignally composed in December 2010)

If you are bothered by “XMAS” and “Happy Holidays” then here are different perspectives on what these really mean. 

Sometime we who are inclined to defend our faith may create some confusion by speaking out against something like "Xmas" when it was not originally intended to eliminate Christ but was simply an abbreviation.  The Greek letter “X” is Chi which is the first letter in the Greek spelling of Christos  [χριστος].  We have let ourselves be offended when those who might wish to show disrespect to the Lord inadvertently declare the truth when they (unknowingly) use the abbreviation for Christ in their efforts to avoid acknowledging that He is Christ the Lord.  (If we find that we are offended by such things, then we might want to review 1 Corinthians Chapter 13)

Another similar twist is that many Christians are offended by the secularists who insist on using Happy Holidays rather than Merry ChristmasIt seems inevitable that every year we have a lot of "debate" and criticism of those who wish to be politically correct and "non-religious" and refuse to use the expression "Merry Christmas" and simply opt for "Happy Holidays."

Many of my Christian friends get really upset and vow to boycott business that try to be politically correct. Some will argue that we need to preserve the traditional celebration themes of Christmas trees, garlands, wreaths, Santa Claus, and all related items. Interestingly, the "politically correct" crowd want to eliminate all these because they are thought to be "religious" in their nature or origin.

A friend sent me an email attachment of a very beautiful Christmas card (a print of a well-know painting) with all the traditional items. Although this person is known to quote Scriptures and be openly demonstrative of his religious feelings, his ideal Christmas card had absolutely no reference or hint of the birth of Christ or the manger, Mary and Joseph, Bethlehem, etc. What follows is my observation of this phenomenon:

The paintings of the Traditional Christmas scene and ornaments were top quality.  These are truly representative of the best of the expressions of the American Traditional Christmas.  My concern for the situation is that we have already allowed the real meaning of Christmas to be swallowed up and lost in a sea of American Tradition.  Is there any way to get back to the true meaning since almost everyone is now trying to rescue the Tradition and it seems have given up on rescuing the basic truth

Ironically, it seems that the Political Correctness folks have stumbled upon the real meaning of the celebration when they insist that people say Happy Holidays. That probably sounds strange to most. However, consider this: a good Biblical word for “Happy” is “Blessed” and the origin of the word “holiday” is from “Holy Day”  So, if someone wishes me a “Blessed Holy Day,” then I really can’t object even though they may NOT know that they said. 

You have to think that God has an excellent sense of humor (or is saddened, maybe) when all the secular humanists are going around saying Blessed Holy Day and all the church folks are trying to stop them with a greeting that is straight out of the Catholic tradition of the “Christ Mass” that has been blended with the Druid observances related to the celebration of the winter solstice along with the glorification of the evergreen tree and veneration of the holly plant and berries.  

(Additional trivial information – the first time the word “merry” appears in the KJV of the Bible is in Genesis 43:34 and its meaning there is “drunken”  - it seems that a lot of folks faithfully apply that definition to their celebration of Christmas.)

Posted November 7, 2013
A Rebuttal to Claims about the Koran and Islam
Several years ago a letter was submitted to the editor in our local newspaper a person who complained about what he considered to be a misunderstanding by most people in our area regarding his religion and the Koran. What follows is a letter that I sent directly to this person that addressed the main points of his arguments.
I would like to share some thoughts that are very different from your understanding. I do not intend these differences to be disparaging to your beliefs but to present a radically different alternative from what you have indicated that you believe. While I do not wish to be tedious, I will attempt to address many of the points (arguments) you made with another perspective.
(Your statements are shown in black print.)

“ it is unfair to expect a novice to comprehend it (the Koran) accurately”
Even a child can understand the main message of the Bible - all have sinned, no one can save himself; but, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to be the perfect sacrifice for sin so that whosoever believes in Him will not have to face the judgment of those who have sinned.
“The Koran is a marvel like no other”
While that is likely to be a true statement, the Koran is a book authored by the man Mohammed and, as far as I know, it does not claim to be the word of God. The Bible has as its author the Holy Spirit of God - no other book is like it.
“Millions study it (the Koran) and find guidance because it is the book of guidance.”
The Bible is a book that millions study and find salvation because it is the book of salvation. You can find guidance in many place, but there is salvation in no one other than the Lord Jesus, God’s uniquely begotten Son. He came to die in our place to take the penalty for your sins and mine.
“ Intention is extremely important. We find in it what we look for.”
This statement speaks volumes in that it says that “the Koran has no power other than that which the reader gives it.” On the other hand, many have testified that they have read the Bible for the express purpose of discrediting it only to find themselves discovering the truth of Who God is and to see the salvation that He has provided in the atoning work of the Cross of Christ. The Word of God is powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword, discerning between the thoughts and the intentions of the heart.
“There is certain etiquette and some prerequisites for receiving guidance from the Koran.”
An important criterion for really benefitting from exposure to the word of God is to simply be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. However, just being exposed to the “Word” has the ability to bring conviction (as indicated in the above reference) to those who came to believe even while trying to discredit the Bible.
“Sometimes Muslims have a knee-jerk reaction when Islam is criticized. They respond in kind.”
Sometimes the responses go well beyond “in kind.” Ordering death for someone who writes a book or draws a cartoon is beyond “knee-jerk” and is contrary to the concept of “do no harm.”
“There is no compulsion in religion.”
While I agree that a person’s beliefs cannot be dictated by another, the compulsion of having only one “religion” is practiced in many “Muslim” nations. Persecution and even death can and has resulted to those who would choose to believe something different than that which the religiously run state has compelled. (Having said that, I would have to wonder what you meant by your statement.)
“ We will find out on the Day of Judgment who was right and who was wrong.”
While many things will be revealed and those who trust in God will be vindicated on the Day of Judgment, we do not have to wait to find out who is right and who is wrong. The word of God clearly teaching that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Therefore, all are wrong who are descendant of Adam. There is only One who is righteous and He made provision by His death on the cross so that all who believe and trust in Him will not perish but will be able to share in His righteousness. “For God made Him (Jesus) Who knew no sin, to be sin for us, so that we can be the righteousness of God in Christ.” Those in Christ have already been declared to be “right” based entirely and only on the righteousness of Christ and NOT upon their own righteousness.
“let’s serve humanity”
This may be where it gets to be a little tedious: While many Christian and apparently Muslims will speak of “serving their fellow man” we should be (more correctly) thinking in terms of serving the One who is Lord in our lives. In serving the Lord, then we will find ways to do good works for the benefit of others. As you said earlier: Intentions are important.
“the best way we can”
While we should always want to be and do the best we can, that is NOT enough. This is why man cannot save himself. His own effort are not adequate. We should be doing “whatever we do” in the power of the Holy Spirit which is beyond what we can do in our own strength.
“without hurting anyone”
“Do no harm” is a good starting point. In fact, this is exactly the philosophy of the “letter of the law” as was given to Moses. The Scribes and the Pharisees of Jesus’ day were experts at observing the “letter of the law” and Jesus told the people, “Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Going beyond the letter of the law, we find the “spirit of the law” and that can be summarized by “love your neighbor as yourself.” This is the intention of the law - again we come back to “intention.” It would be a wonderful world IF we could just do this! However, Jesus told His disciples that He had a “new commandment” and that is to “Love one another even as I have loved you.” That kind of love goes even beyond the idea of loving your neighbor as you love yourself and says that you would even sacrifice your wants, needs and your very life for your neighbor. This is revolutionary and is transforming. This is what Christianity is about. It is beyond Judaism, it is beyond Islam, it is beyond any “religion” the world has - it is a relationship that allows God to live in you and do His work through you.
Posted February 13, 2013

I just saw an entry on Facebook in which the writer was really upset by a situation at a local supermarket in which an elderly man who had to use a walker was not given any assistance by the supermarket workers in getting his shopping cart full of groceries from the store to his car. The poor man had to put his walker on top of the grocery cart and then go through the difficult task of walking across the parking lot and then unloading the cart into his car. The conclusion drawn by the writer was that the supermarket should be alert to such situation and provide help for those with obvious needs.

My question to the writer of this observation is fairly simple: Why did YOU not help if YOU saw the need? Is this not indicative of what is wrong with our nation today? It is always someone else's responsibility to provide help and it never occurs to us to actually do something to help when an opportunity is recognized. This is an excellent example of what Jesus told us to do "as we go declare that the Kingdom of Heaven has come." Is it better to declare the Kingdom by our actions or do we think this means handing out a pamphlet and presenting the Four Spiritual Laws? It actually may have been easier to help the man take his groceries to his car and unload them than to write a scathing rebuke of the supermarket on Facebook. I'm quite certain that the person's disposition and outlook on life would have been improved by actually helping rather than being upset by what someone else did NOT do!

Posted November 8, 2012

The End of an Empire 
This is from an article published in the Canadian Free Press on 11/7/2012 by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh.  Each paragraph in black type is by Dr. Paugh and I have added my observations in blue.


Our Constitutional Republic died a peaceful death on November 6, 2012. Having reached the point of no return in a comatose state after years of progressive and illegal immigration assaults, the fabric of conservative society is now completely unraveled and Uncle Sam's America is no more.   
[Comment:  This reminds me of a situation in which a family member has failing health and is on life support.  The children are trying to decide what measures should be taken to deal with the situation.  One alternative is to perform a heart transplant and the other is to remove the life support.  They voted and the “pull the plug” group prevailed.]

The United States of America is now relegated to the dust bin of history as a "has been" empire. The Shining City on the Hill, the hope of so many millions since July 4, 1776, no longer exists. What rises from the ashes is a country that few of us will recognize, like, or learn to accept submissively.
[Comment:  If you saw the movie “Obama’s America 2016” you may recall that Dinesh D’Souza claimed that Obama’s objective was to weaken our nation so that we would not have any more influence in the world than a third world nation – recall Obama’s frequent references to leveling the playing field.  It appears that we are well on the way to becoming as “relevant” as a third-world nation.  The outcome of this will be worldwide anarchy.]

After 236 years of existence, a new country emerges today, run by secular progressives who rejected our Constitution, what we stand for, and who we are as a nation. The Supreme Court will be forever altered after its last conservative members will be replaced by the liberal academics who call themselves "progressives." The rule of law will be implemented by Executive Orders, making Congress irrelevant. 
[Comment:  The first four years of the Obama administration have demonstrated the possibility of our having a government of bureaucratic czars and not a constitutional republic.  Many have wanted us to become more like Europe or Russia or China – depends and how radical they are – and we are moving in that direction.]

The communist motto "Forward" that resonated with so many ignorant Americans will plunge us into many years of darkness from which we will never be able to recover. We have proven our Founding Fathers right, they did give us a Constitutional Republic and we were unable to maintain it. 
[Comment:  The Second Law of Thermodynamics tells us that any system left to its self will tend toward disorder.  Failure to maintain or keep the “orderliness” of what was provided for us over 200 years ago will result in eventual anarchy.]

The forces of the failed communist fundamental transformation that were driven underground in many places around the world, resurfaced with a vengeance in the United States and have now taken over. 
[Comment:  These “forces” have been around and recognized for centuries.  We have seen the “successful” emergence of this in Communist Russia and China.  It appeared to have been dealt a death blow in the failure of the USSR.  As a result, the defenders of freedom let down their guard and the evil has re-emerged in the last bastion of freedom.  While men slept, the enemy has come in and sowed tares among the wheat.]

How long we will still have freedom of speech, movement, assembly, and control of our private property remains to be seen. Faith and churches will be driven underground; allowing secularism to prosper and take deep roots among the progressives whose God is Mother Earth.
[Comment:  Anyone who has been paying attention to what has already been unfolding over the past 50 years has recognized that Secular Humanism has replace Christianity as our “national” belief system.  We have apparently thought that separation of “church and state” meant that “religion” should not profoundly influence the foundation of “government.”  That is an impossibility!  Every “organization” operates within a framework of a belief system.   
With regard to the reference to “Mother Earth,” this is just another name for the pagan goddess Ashtoreth that was a stumbling block for ancient Israel.]  

The welfare dependent Americans, unions, and illegal aliens have chosen for the rest of us the dark path of serfdom to big government and to socialist utopia.
[Comment:  We have, in effect, sold our birthright for a free cell phone, food stamps, and government giveaway programs.]

Who would have guessed that the very people who were complaining that the government is not extricating them from disaster or giving them the help they needed in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, would vote for the very politicians who turned their backs on needy Americans after the lights went dark when the political photo opportunities ended?
[Comment:  Prejudicial bias (positive or negative) causes people to ignore the facts of the situation.  Many have believed the message that “the present administration is really looking out for the welfare of the people.”   So when they fail to deliver, many will ignore the failure and will believe the assertion by the incompetents that they did a good job because that “fits” their bias.]

Who would have guessed that Americans were as ignorant and irresponsible as to choose fiscal destruction over fiscal sanity for their children and grandchildren, secularism and communism over faith, dependence over personal responsibility and self-reliance?
[Comment:  We have failed to grasp the truth that “there is no free lunch.”  We have also ignored the truth that short-term decisions result in long term consequences that are opposite of the supposed benefit that drives the short-term decision.]

Americans have been protesting for the last four years the dismal state of the economy and the direction of our country, the corruption of our politicians, and the loss of personal and economic freedom.
[Comment:  Apparently, we are willing to tolerate incompetence and dishonesty if those in power are giving us token gifts to appease us and divert our attention.  The Romans used bread and circuses as their empire was crumbling around them.]

Rallies in support of conservatism overwhelmed venues for Mitt Romney while rallies for our bumbling President became scarcer and scarcer. Yet, miraculously, at the ballot box, our President won all over the country. 
[Comment:  It is not enough to just agree – we need to act.  The total number of people who voted for Romney was less than the number of people who voted for McCain.  We must give our ideas and convictions value by acting on them.  Those evangelical Christians in the swing states that did NOT vote should be ashamed.]

We lost seats in the Senate. Americans chose liars and cheats to be their Senators and Representatives, rejecting those who protected the Constitution. The candidate from Massachusetts who claimed direct American Indian lineage to Pocahontas is now a Senator, having defeated Scott Brown.  Representative Allen West lost his seat by a narrow margin to the infamous Wasserman Schultz from Florida.
[Comment:  One of the features of a democracy is that we get what we deserve especially when we do stupid things.  The problem is that those who act wisely (if they are not in the majority) will suffer along with the idiots.]

Americans chose high unemployment, reduction of our military, communist indoctrination of their children, and loss of personal freedoms unlike we have never seen before in this country.
[Comment:  If we do not choose and act wisely, then we suffer from the principle of unintended consequences.]

I am saddened by the loss of millions and millions of American soldiers who have died to preserve freedom yet we lost it on November 6, 2012. Those buried in cemeteries around the world and at Arlington must be rolling in their graves today. We shamelessly allowed their sacrifice of blood and treasure to go in vain. We have no honor because we let down all the soldiers who fought in recent times and returned home limbless with lives shattered from physical and mental wounds of war. 
[Comment:  Most of us fail to see the connection of history and the great sacrifices that have been given with our present benefits of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  A disconnection with history and/or an improper interpretation of history are needed before someone can come along and institute “fundamental changes” in our lives.  We have a populace that is ignorant of our past, ignorant of how far we have strayed from the foundational principles that have made this nation great and ignorant of the consequence of poor choices made today.]

I mourn today the loss of my adopted country. I have fought hard over the last four years to prevent its overt and accelerated destruction but the darker forces stronger than many of us have overcome concerted efforts by millions of Americans to maintain the Republic. Mediocrity, sloth, godlessness, dependence, cowardice, using the law selectively or ignoring it, and hopeless corruption will define the new country. Only God can save us now with his mercy and grace. 
[Comment:  We battle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities in the spiritual realm.  We need to take the battle to the prayer closet.]
[Closing Comments:  I am concerned that we (as a nation) have rejected God and have embraced the very things that are proclaimed (in God’s Word) to be an abomination to God.  As a result of repeated rejections and choosing to go the way of the world, the flesh and the devil, God has given us over to a reprobate mind and those result in people not being able to distinguish right from wrong or truth from lies.  We have gotten to the point that people are proud of their iniquity and when that happens, there is little possibility of repentance.
 I told someone several weeks ago that if Obama wins, that would be a result of God’s judgment on our nation.  As I am typing this, the “news” is reporting another weather disaster.  We have experienced so many disasters over the past decade and we have failed to realize that God has been trying to get our attention BUT we have continued to ignore His redemptive efforts.  We need to claim the promise of divine protection for God’s people as His judgment unfolds all around us.]

Posted April 3, 2011

Observations on Congregational Responses

. . . . In a recent sermon, the preacher referenced the passage in Acts 1 regarding what Jesus told His followers immediately prior to His ascensiion. There were three promises mentioned. First, the Holy Spirit would come. Second, the followers of Jesus would be witnesses and (third) that Jesus would return. When the speaker mentioned point one involving the coming of the Holy Spirit, there was no comment from the congregation. When he mentioned that Jesus told them they would be His witnesses, there was no comment from the congregation. When the fact of Jesus' return was mentioned there was a chorus of Amens and like comments. That same scenario was repeated each time the three points of the promises were reviewed. It became quite obvious that we seem to be a lot more enthusiastic about the return of Christ than we are about carrying out the Great Commission to be witnesses so that we can make disciples of all nations.

Posted March 26, 2011

Comment on the controversy of there being a “place of eternal punishment” or not.

....What does one do with the problem of SIN? Whether you believe the account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was a historical happening or is just an illustrative story that explains the problem of sin for humanity, you cannot ignore the message of the account. Mankind sinned and that has resulted in separation from God and this sin/separation prevented the possibility of mankind fulfilling the intent of God to create mankind in His image.
.... The sin problem has a consequence. God told Adam and Eve that in the day they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would die. In the present debate, it doesn’t matter if there was an actual tree with actual fruit – it does matter that sin (missing the mark) is the direct consequences of deciding for yourself (apart from what God has declared; that is, not believing God) what is good and what is evil - what is right and what is wrong - what is truth and what is falsehood. Therefore, the consequence of sin is death. This eternal death is described as an ongoing dying and the horror of such “existence” is depicted as flames that never go out. What that means in a “spiritual realm” is likely beyond our ability to comprehend - however, we can understand enough to know that it is really bad.
..... Renewed discussion of the “no hell” heresy has been triggered by a recent publication of a book by Rob Bell entitled, Love Wins. This has resulted in many articles from those who disagree with Bell and also from those who would support his position. I get the impression from what I have read that Rob Bell is somewhat a disciple of Brian McLaren who has written several books related to “new Christianity.” The following is quoted from McLaren’s defense of Bell and argument against Al Mohler’s review of Bell’s book:

I know Rob, and I'm quite certain he (like many of us) started questioning the interpretation of the gospel he received not because he was looking for a more palatable or popular version. . . He started questioning the interpretation/version he received because he became convinced - from studying Scripture itself - that the version he received wasn't the best interpretation. He (and many of us) may be wrong, but if we're wrong, it's not simply because we are trying to pander to "contemporary culture" . . . (Brian McLaren)

....If the above statement is not “deciding for yourself (apart from what God has declared) what is right and wrong,” then it is a close facsimile. In more than four decades of Bible study, I have concluded that many of the “traditional” interpretations/translations of various passages could be somewhat different since the Greek or Hebrew words in the oldest manuscripts have multiple meanings. However, I have not found anything in such variations to remotely suggest that the “flames of hell” are for refining or purifying so as to make an unrepentant person who deliberately rejected the loving grace of God as exemplified by the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ to become a new creation in Christ (as suggested by Bell that we have a second chance after we die). This is like Rob Bell deciding that he has to protect his interpretation of God’s reputation by creating a possibility of salvation after physical death. To suggest such without some sound Scriptural references is, at best, irresponsible.
.....Some of the arguments put forth by McLaren and Bell follow along the line of “how could a just and loving God condemn one of his children to an eternity of torment because of disobedience?” The answer to that argument is to first of all realize that the question is based on a false premise of concluding that every human being is a “child of God.” Those who are born of the Spirit of God are the children of God. For these, God came in the form of a servant and in the likeness of human flesh, to die on the cross for their disobedience. He became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ. That is what He does for His children. The invitation is open for all to become His children - for as many as received Him, He authorized them to become His children - even to those who believe on His name. For those who reject Him, they remain in their condition of lostness that resulted from sin and their destination is death. That is what justice is about. What love is about is the fact that God has provided a way to come out of the system that is controlled by the “law of sin and death” and He did that at the ultimate cost of the death of His Son on the Cross. If you want to reject the ultimate means of salvation, then you have, in fact, chosen the ultimate consequence of sin or disobedience. (If you are bothered by the millions who have not heard of Jesus and God’s plan of salvation, then please see Paul’s explanation of this situation in Romans 1:18-21. Better yet, if you are really bothered by this, then go and make disciples of all nations . . .)

Posted October 26, 2010
Christmas, Easter, Halloween:
.....Many people celebrate a traditional Christmas with evergreen trees, holly and Santa. A few will observe and celebrate the birth of the Savior (although it may be displaced several weeks in calendar time). Many will celebrate Easter with colored eggs and fake grass and candy while a few will observe and celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. Many celebrate Halloween with scary costumes and impish pranks while some others eschew any hint of "celebrating" such an event but will, inadvertantly, end up "observing" the event with alternatives such as "Fall Festivals" and other such neutral names. A few will neither celebrate nor observe Halloween.
..... The reasons most church leaders give for such alternatives observances is that it is an outreach to the community. Who could be against outreach? My question regarding this reason is simply this: If free food and games are such an effective way to win the lost to Christ, then why do we not do this every week? Why is it only appropriate to do this in late October or early November?
.....Broad is way and wide is the gate that leads to destruction and MANY go this way; straight is gate and narrow is the way that leads to eternal life and FEW there be that find it.
Posted May 3, 2010
The highest expression of "freedom" is denying our own selfish desires for the good of others.
Posted May 3, 2010
Appreciation - Observations:
.....Many year ago a rather silly incident occurred involving my doing a favor for a neighbor. Nancy and I were living in Cabana Apartments and projecting to the time when we would build our house on the bit of farm land we had purchased right after moving to Kingsport. In anticipation of "living on a farm" I had purchased an old pickup truck. We had a garden "at the farm" although we still lived in the apartmnent. We used the truck for "truck-like" things such as moving dirt or compost. Since it was a truck, i didn't keep the bed spotlessly clean - duh!
.....A neighbor asked to borrow the truck to move some furniture (either for themselves or a friend). I was glad to let them use the truck with no expectation of any payment or donation for gas money or anything else other than appreciation. It was just a neighborly thing to do. They used the truck and upon rerturning it, the wife commented that some of the furniture had gotten dirty because I had not cleaned the truck bed before they borrowed it. She then told me, "Please make sure the truck is clean before we borrow it again." I was speechless and consequently was able to turn the other cheek.
.....I was reminded of this total lack of appreciation in an incident that happened today. I do some volunteer work in "the community" and attempt to do a good job. Hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars have been spent in helping the organization with a needed project and the only response the organization makes is a complaint equivalent to asking me to do something even more trivial than sweeping out my truck - something that the recepient could have done for himself. My response was simply "I will be glad to do that."
.....That response was not because I was speechless but it was a deliberate, measured response that is, in retrospect, is in agreement with the Sermon on the Mount. We will always encounter people who are incapable of showing appreciation but, instead, act as if they are entitled to what is willingly contributed.
Posted April 16, 2010
Inhibitions in worship:
......I have found that I am less inhibited in times of worship when I am alone or sitting on the back row of the church.  When I am in a position or situation where other can see what I am doing, then I am reluctant to raise my hands or even fall on my knees or perhaps fall on my face before an omnipotent God. 
......Why do I do this?  Do I really care what anyone thinks of me?  I don’t think so – but will not deny that may be a possibility.  Why would I care what someone else thinks of me?  I have rationalized in the past that it (what someone thinks of me) may diminish my influence for good if someone thinks that I am some sort of religious fanatic.  That may be a legitimate concern regarding the reality of what could or might happen. 
......So, what would be a valid (or legitimate) reason for being less than uninhibited during times of corporate worship?  To answer this question, I asked myself “What is the effect (on me) of someone else who behaves in a demonstrative manner during worship?”  The reality of it all is that it depends on the setting I’m in.  If I were at a “high church” worship service and someone raised his hands or shouted or danced around, then I would be totally distracted and perhaps embarrassed for the person and would wonder about the motives of the person.  If I were at a “typical” (whatever that is) evangelical, traditional church service on Sunday morning and witnessed a demonstration as described above, then I would probably be “somewhat distracted” and suspect that the demonstration was perhaps “contrived” by a person who wanted attention.  On a personal note, I attend such a church service weekly and find that I will typically close my eyes during the song service so that I will not be distracted by those who are occasionally demonstrative.  I am somewhat troubled and distracted by those who start demonstrating only after they noticed that someone else was responding (outwardly) during the song or sermon.   (Even more reason to keep my eyes closed.)  On the other hand, if I were in a community church (non-traditional, non-denominational) and most (or even many) of the people were raising their hands, or even dancing around, then I would not be as distracted (perhaps not distracted at all) by what was happening around me.  In fact, I would be more likely to join in with the less inhibited behavior.
......Now, that I have analyzed my reaction, perhaps I can get a better handle on my behavior during worship.  In other words, “Why would I not behave as I would like to during my church’s worship time except when I am on the back row or where other cannot see me?”  The basic reason is NOT that I really care what others think of me or my actions, BUT it is a profound concern that what I do would distract or take from the worship experience of others around me. 
......Why do I think this would be the case?  I have observed that many people (even most) of those who attend where I worship are distracted and disapproving of the demonstrations that go on by some who are uninhibited.  The problem may be that those who are most demonstrative in worship times are also those who tend to hunger for attention even when they are not in a worship experience.  Therefore, the conclusion of many comes down on the side of “that person is simply seeking attention.”  I have to admit that I have had similar thoughts. 
......In contrast, to the supposed “attention seekers,” I recall a worship experience several years ago when the choir finished a particularly stirring arrangement of “How Great Thou Art” an elderly lady in the congregation (who was normally reserved and did not, to my knowledge, seek attention for herself) exclaimed aloud “Oh, glory!”  It was electrifying and it was a fitting commentary on the praise offering of the choir and congregation that morning.  I don’t think anyone was distracted by the comment but was uplifted by it.
......So, what do I do with this realization?   I am still working on it!!
Posted January 10, 2010
It may be the epitome of arrogance to imply that if everyone does not do things the way we do them that they are wrong and we feel the freedom to criticize (judge) others in this way. The criticism could be simply, "Some people do this or that, however, I don't understand why they would do that since it is not the way I do it." The very fact that we do not understand why is exactly the reason we should not judge others.
Posted January 10, 2010
When we see someone doing something, then we will conclude that his actions are either good or evil based on what our intentions would be if we were doing the same thing.  If you were in some sort of volunteer organization and had the disposition that you wanted to always be helpful wherever you could be, then some might interpret what you were doing to be helpful as “just trying to control everything.”  What the critics would be doing in their criticism is letting everyone know what their agenda would be if they doing the same thing you were doing.  This is the basis of Jesus’ statement “judge not, lest you be judged.”  In judging or measuring a person’s actions or judging an event, we are judging and measuring our own self.  The irony of being judgmental of others is that the person who is doing the judging will eventually be judged even more harshly by God and by others.  By constantly being critical of others and everything that is going on, a person will develop such a reputation that he will be ineffective in whatever he tries to do.
Posted January 4, 2010
Humanists have a world view that believe that man is his own god. Statists humanists elevate the state or government to a status of god. Both groups deny the existence of God. When a state acts as if it is god and attempts to duplicate Christ's miracle of feeding the five thousand and does so in its own strength will find its limitations do not allow for real creative power. Consequently, the best the government can do to be creative is to print more money which is unstaniable.
Posted January 4, 2010
When Jesus fed the 5000 thousand with five loves and two fish He took some things that had no life (ground and baked grains and cooked fish) and caused them to multiply - a process that we normally think of as associated with living things. In the hands of the "Giver of Life" the dead objects were multiplied. It was as if He infused "life" into them. When we are "dead" in trespasses and sin, and we present this to Christ then He is able to infuse life in us (the new birth). We might ask, when that happened to us were we "multiplied?" If not, then could the reason be that we have not allowed ourselves to be broken. It was only when Jesus blessed and "broke" the bread and divided the fish that these were multiplied.
Posted December 25, 2009
Transforming Belief Into Faith
In Greece, hundreds of years before Christ, the philosopher Plato speculated that if only a person knew “the good,” he would do it. Herod’s act (in murdering John the Baptist) showed how wrong Plato was. It is not enough to know what is good. It is not enough to believe the right things. A person must commit himself to what he knows is right. A person must trust God enough to believe that He exists, and that it is God’s opinion that counts; that His will must guide ours.
Herod believed that John was a prophet. He even liked to listen to John’s teachings, just as the people of Israel believed that Jesus was a Prophet and crowded around to hear Him speak and to witness His miracles.
But when the time for decision arrived, mere belief must be transformed into faith. There must be commitment! A person must not look around, and try to please those who are watching. A person must face the fact that only God’s opinion counts, and in the firm conviction that God is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him, that person must commit himself to what is right.
(Richards, L., & Richards, L. O. (1987). The Teacher's Commentary. (613). Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books.)
Posted December 4, 2009

Popularity, materialism, glamour, mind-altering substances, and bad philosophies (such as nihilism) do not satisfy because these appeal to the carnal senses and values.  On the other hand, the “many” of the crowd that followed Jesus for carnal reasons (the signs, wonders, free food, etc.) could not find any satisfaction even in Jesus because they approached it from the perspective of worldly values rather than from spiritual values. 

One could take this a step further and wonder about the modern day church.  How many of us are following and attending just because of the entertainment value of the weekly events, the mental stimulation of the message, the camaraderie of other people, the social stimulus and status, good environment for our families, and such thing which are all good in and of themselves?  All these can be beneficial just from a strictly carnal viewpoint.  When we get past these things and get to the point of the “hard saying” (John 6:60) how many will go away? We should know that the shallowness of the ways of the world keep us from finding spiritual truth, we probably need to also learn that we can have shallowness in religious “things and activities” that keep us from finding spiritual truth.

Posted November 23, 2009
Why do we think Spiritual Growth and Spiritual Maturity can be accomplished or measured by Pharisaical practices? Do such things as attendance at a Bible Study Class, attending church, reading the Bible daily, giving money once a week, reading a Bible Study lesson, saying a prayer before each meal, and/or any number of religious things result in Spiritual Growth and Maturity? It didn't work for the Pharisees . . .

While such practices may be found to be taking place by those who are growing spiritually, we must not confuse cause and effect. As Billy Sunday so famously said, “going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going into a garage makes you a car.”