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Tom and Barbara Suiter are good friends of ours. Tom was pastor of Indian Springs Baptist Church from 1985 until 2000. Nancy and I met them in 1992 when we first attended ISBC and we have kept in touch with them since that time. Tom has recently completed a nearly 10-year assignment as part of the Southern Baptist International Mission effort in Europe. He is currently living in Middle Tennessee and is open to where God will use him next. Information about the Suiters and some sample sermon can be found by clicking on this LINK
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Irena Sendler
There recently was a death of a 98 year-old lady named Irena. During WWII, Irena, got permission to work in the Warsaw Ghetto, as a Plumbing/Sewer specialist. She had an 'ulterior motive' ... For more information on this remarkable woman check the account recorded in Snopes.com. IRENA SENDLER
DR. ANDREW WAKFIELD: As a gastrointestinal surgeon, Dr. Wakefield has investigated the connection between developmental disorders and bowel disease, and early exposure to vaccines. For example, there is a curious link between an unusual exposure to the measles virus and subsequent development of Crohn’s disease, and in many cases, autism. . . . . . For more information on his pioneering work check out this LINK